A round-up of some birds, flowers and insects we've seen at Asa Wright that I don't think I've mentioned yet, probably because the photos are rubbish.
Bare-Eyed Thrush (used to be called Spectacled)
Barred Antshrike (female). Sadly I didn't get the male, it was lovely black and white stripes all over).
Blue Grey Tanager
Turquoise Tanager
Violaceous Euphonia
White Lined Tanager (Female)
Yellow Bellied Elaenia
Leafcutter Ants (another of my favourites, never got a decent shot yet and won't this holiday as I'm too conscious of chiggers!)
Agouti (surprisingly timid although away from Asa Wright they are often caught for eating, as are land iguanas)
This is a species of Strelitzia and grows wild in a lot of areas.
This plant has two distinct looks; the red one and the white flower - not quite sure which comes first
Water hyacinth as found all over the world
An epiphyte
This looks very like a species of Commelina
Brugmansia (Angel's Trumpet)
Sulphur Butterfly
Butterfly Orchid
Pachystachys lutea